Nurosym Stories

Nurosym Device for Post Viral Fatigue and Autoimmune Relief: A Testimonial




"I definitely noticed when I haven't used it, I don't sleep as well. And I have noticed that overall I feel like it lowers the inflammation in my body because when I don't use it, I feel a lot more inflamed and achy and just not well." - Kate


Kate's Full Story

Hi, my name's Kate. I started using the [Nurosym; formerly Parasym] device about two years ago when I developed post viral fatigue.

That post viral fatigue went on to develop into an autoimmune disease. So I ordered the [Nurosym; formerly Parasym] device and I've been using that ever since.

I tend to use it mostly once a day, sometimes twice a day if I've got the time, but I particularly use it at night time and I use it as part of my bedtime routine.

I use it about half an hour before bed where I clip it to my ear and just lay and deep breathe and let it calm my nervous system and I find I definitely sleep much better with it.

I definitely noticed when I haven't used it, I don't sleep as well. And I have noticed that overall I feel like it lowers the inflammation in my body because when I don't use it, I feel a lot more inflamed and achy and just just not well.

So yeah, I'm really, really happy with the device. I definitely don't want to be without it anymore because I definitely think it's an amazing tool in my toolbox.

That's really, really helped me sort of recover.

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