Maintain a calm state & keep chronic symptoms away with neuromodulation

Nurosym is the leading clinically-tested neuromodulation device to treat stress-related symptoms via the Vagus Nerve. Make a real difference in your health today.

See Research

Control your mental health and keep symptoms away

Nurosym is the leading neuromodulation device to effectively treat stress-related symptoms via the Vagus Nerve.

Modern remote control with minimalist design and attached earphones against a grey background.

Try Nurosym

2M+ Happy patient sessions

Approved by 60+ Institutions

CE - Certified Medical Device

30 Day Trial Guarantee

2M+ Happy patient sessions

Approved by 60+ Institutions

Logo indicating 'CE - Certified Medical Device.'

CE - Certified Medical Device

30 Day Trial Guarantee

Pioneering Solution for Stress-Induced Conditions

Combating the silent epidemic of stress & anxiety

One in four of us today struggle with mental health. Our fast-paced society has caused a surge of stress-related conditions that are resistant to traditional drug treatments.


Teeth grinding mostly at night.

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Difficulty falling or staying asleep.

Icon of a person wearing a virtual reality headset.

Chronic Fatigue

Persistent tiredness not relieved

by rest.

Icon of a person wearing a virtual reality headset.

Panic Attacks

Episodes of intense fear or discomfort.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Digestive disorder leading to cramping and bloating.

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Burnout Syndrome

Emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion.

Icon of a person wearing a virtual reality headset.

Tension Headaches

Persistent pain in the head and neck.

Icon of a person wearing a virtual reality headset.

Social Anxiety Disorder

Overwhelming fear in social situations.

Nurosym was developed to address various mental health & physical symptoms of chronic conditions with a scientifically backed pathway to sustained mental well-being through electrical nerve stimulation process called neuromodulation.

Nurosym was developed to address these with a scientifically backed pathway to sustained mental well-being through electrical nerve stimulation process called neuromodulation.

Neuromodulation At The Frontier in Mental Health Treatment

Since its inception in the 1960s, neuromodulation has evolved significantly.

Initially focused on treating chronic pain and Parkinson’s, its applications have expanded to include various neurological conditions with techniques like Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS).

The Vagus Nerve plays a key role in controlling the body's self-repair process. Today, neuromodulation is a key area in neuroscience, offering potential treatments for a wide range of disorders and symptoms.

Fit Nurosym into your daily routine in 3 easy steps


Attach the device through the inner part of your ear, where the Vagus Nerve is exposed


Begin a 30-60 minute session while completing any tasks or relaxation activities (no need to meditate or sit still)


Adjust to a higher strength with time as you adapt to the signal

Modern remote control with touch display showing time against a plain background.

See the difference within 5-30 days

See the difference within 5-30 days

Heart shape with an electrocardiogram waveform.

Improved HRV & stress response up to 40%

Greater gains were reported by patients with a lower baseline HRV. Memory effect was observed, meaning HRV remains elevated after neuromodulation was stopped.

Stylized graphic of a blue tree with leaves and roots.

Reduced chronic fatigue up to 60%

In a study of patients with fatigue symptoms after Covid-19 participants showed improvements in fatigue, brain fog, and widespread pain.

Heart shape with an electrocardiogram waveform.

Reduced mood dips up to 45%

Neuromodulation decreased Beck depression scale score & reduced mood fluctuations noticeably within the first 5 days of treatment.

Silhouette of a human head profile against a light background.

Improved memory & focus up to 25%

Significantly improved speed on the Automaticity learning task and percent correct on the information Decoding learning task as compared to controls.

Healthy Vagus Nerve is Critical to Life Expectancy

The cost of ignoring mental health can be profound. Stress is directly linked to life expectancy, cognitive functions and the possibility of heart disease among others.

Nurosym offers more than relief.

It provides a proactive solution to the modern mental health crisis, ensuring that your well-being is not just restored, but also preserved.

Illustrative diagram of a human figure with labeled health issues related to stress.

Be active.

Be focused.

Sustain happiness.

Stories & Testimonials

Take the first step towards transforming your life's quality and health

Selfie of a man with glasses in front of a computer monitor.

"It is a groundbreaking tool for both wellness and performance enhancement."

- Henry

Enhanced Performance & Stress Reduction: Nurosym Device Testimonial

Woman smiling outdoors wearing a green jacket and scarf.

"All in all, it's been something that I wouldn't want to be parted with. It's my daily companion in life and keeps me on the straight and narrow. And I will continue to use it, I imagine for the rest of my life."

- Yvonne

11 Months with Nurosym: Improved Sleep, Concentration, and Stress Management

Smiling man with glasses wearing a cap and maroon t-shirt, indoors with red curtains and foliage.

"I would highly recommend to anyone who has any kind of problems, the nervous system, whether it's ADHD, whether it's work stress, whether it's depression. I would go for it."

- Jakub

Reclaiming Wellness: Journey from Stress & Reflux to Recovery with Nurosym

Smiling woman with a clear blue sky in the background.

"I just love it. I use it on daily basis. It makes me sleep better, feel better. I would recommend it to everyone."

- Tijana

Conquering Stress, Depression and Anxiety with Nurosym: A Personal Journey

At Nurosym our mission is to help you manage stress and empower you to lead a balanced and fulfilling life.

Smiling young woman with bun and earphones, wearing a white shirt, against a black background.